【AEA 2020 Alumni】
ECOPSY Technologies proposes a new methodology to design and build HR-tools and HR-management tools using data-driven approach, which is becoming extremely popular these days as all products can be delivered to clients remotely.
• DEEP — Data Enabled Employee Profile. Utilizing mass online survey and modern machine learning methods DEEP supports developing valid and robust competency and value models. This approach helps to drastically increase level of predicting performance with competence model.
• delta.ai – questionnaire that predicts real-life behavior and current performance (Purpose — assess candidates on their fit with companies’ requirements: their values, competencies and predicted performance
• PIF (Potential in Focus) – company is able to forecast employees’ effectiveness and to select ones with high potential (HiPo’s) with a test, which has been developed in ECOPSY. Companies’ financial results depend on employees for 31%. With Potential in Focus test companies can predict employees’ behavior and efficiency not only now, in current conditions, but in future as well, with unpredictable conditions.
• Echo — system of an automated video interview analysis powered by artificial intelligence. The forecast accuracy is 70–80%. This accuracy allows to filter out 20–35% of candidates with almost zero error.