
Sintez LLC

Your Personal Trainer (UpT) is a software platform for teaching tennis, golf, and other sports. It helps athletes to:
— find a coach and organize a remote training process with video stream analysis;
— practice basic exercises independently under the AI supervision;
— keep track of the development.
The comprehensive solution combines cutting-edge technologies with scientific and practical groundwork – the relevant experience was accumulated when the team had performed a digital project for the Russian Tennis Federation.

Features for the athletes:

1. Reduced training cost: practicing basic exercises with high-quality feedback by AI.
2. Digital twin technology to prevent injuries.
3. Remote training: match with professional coaches regardless of their location.
4. AR technologies to train in real time.
5. Training history and progress tracking.
6. Search for a sparring partner with a given skill level.

For the coaches:
1. Demonstration of portfolio and ratings.
2. Increased earnings: simultaneously training more athletes from different countries.
3. Assistance in choosing the right technique by providing analysis of the athlete’s progress.
4. Ability to adjust model / learning patterns for AI.

Business model: subscription sales; royalty for an on-demand analysis by a pro coach; in-app purchases: premium content and cloud storage space.


Care Mentor AI

Care Mentor AI – developer of the Computer Vision Systems for Analysis of Radiology Diagnostics.
Founded in 2018 with the ultimate goal of reducing the number of medical errors, improving diagnostic quality in general and extending life expectancy.
We create product to help Doctors to make diagnostic faster and with higher accuracy.
We have the next products which already have been probated in Russian clinics:
Screening for Pathologies on Chest Xray
Covid-19 detection on CT
As well as other products, as screening of Xray Brest on oncology and CT Oncology detection, are on the final stage of development.
All our products get Scientific publications and clinical tests to proof quality and accuracy.


ECOPSY Technologies

ECOPSY Technologies proposes a new methodology to design and build HR-tools and HR-management tools using data-driven approach, which is becoming extremely popular these days as all products can be delivered to clients remotely.

• DEEP — Data Enabled Employee Profile. Utilizing mass online survey and modern machine learning methods DEEP supports developing valid and robust competency and value models. This approach helps to drastically increase level of predicting performance with competence model.
• – questionnaire that predicts real-life behavior and current performance (Purpose — assess candidates on their fit with companies’ requirements: their values, competencies and predicted performance
• PIF (Potential in Focus) – company is able to forecast employees’ effectiveness and to select ones with high potential (HiPo’s) with a test, which has been developed in ECOPSY. Companies’ financial results depend on employees for 31%. With Potential in Focus test companies can predict employees’ behavior and efficiency not only now, in current conditions, but in future as well, with unpredictable conditions.
• Echo — system of an automated video interview analysis powered by artificial intelligence. The forecast accuracy is 70–80%. This accuracy allows to filter out 20–35% of candidates with almost zero error.


“Sensor-Tech” Limited Liability Company

Laboratory “Sensor-Tech” has been established to solve most ambitious scientific goals and create advanced technologies for people with hearing and visual impairments, including the deaf-blind, in Russia and in the world. In our work, we apply modern technologies, including AI, and develop products that empower people with sensory impairments. Nowadays, our key projects are: Smart assistant “Robin”, designed to enable blind people to better orientate themselves indoors and outdoors. “Robin” can recognize objects, people and their faces, determine distance to them and detect obstacles with the help of an ultrasonic radar. “Robin” works without Internet connection or third-party applications. Developed as a complement to a white cane, “Robin” is simple to use and does not require long training. Our other flagship product – Speech recognition device “Charly”, designed for independent communication with hearing impaired people. “Charly” recognizes speech, converts it into text and displays recognized speech on a monitor, a mobile phone, a TV, or a Braille display. “Charly” also allows to work and study remotely. Besides, we have launched Ophthalmic VR-simulator “See My World”, mobile apps “Currency note recognizer” and “Object recognizer”, implement a large genetic research in Russia and organized the first retinal implant surgeries (bionic vision) in Russia.



4Blind company conducts research, develop, create and produce innovative technologies for the rehabilitation and improvement the quality of life of blind and deaf-blind people. 4Blind technical solutions: help them to communicate; give access to information around them; help develop in the professional field.

Advantages of 4Blind solutions: multifunctionality, its suitability for various objectives such as reading, writing, communication, the use of mobile phone, tactile access to graphic information; lack of comparable analogues in the market or absence of analogues; ease of use and servicing; affordable price.

Market opportunities: according to the latest report of the WHO in the world more than 7 million deafblind and more than 285 million blind people.

Sales strategy: direct sales to support organizations and foundations for people who are blind and deaf-blind, rehabilitation centers for the deaf-blind people, public and private companies providing jobs for people with disabilities, insurance companies; sales through international distributors of technical rehabilitation equipment, as well as sale of licenses for the right to manufacture the device in other countries.

We’ve already conducted testing of devices in associations and funds engaged in the support of blind and deafblind people having received confirmation that users need them, and devices meet expectations.






UNIMはロシア発の医療IT企業であり、腫瘍学的診断に関するソリューションを開発している。弊社はDigital Pathology©システムを開発し、病理形態学ラボラトリーのエンドツーエンドでのデジタル化を実現している。UNIMは2018年1月にTechnopark Skolkovoにて100%デジタルな病理学研究所を開設し、毎月3500名を超える患者の診断を行っている。1000名を超える専門コンサルタントがDigital Pathology©システムを活用しインターネット経由でマルチヘッド顕微鏡を使用しているのと同じように遠隔で患者と面談し、リアルタイムで症例の分析を行っている。Digital Pathology©は各症例について集団的な作業を実現し、世界中から特化した専門家を惹きつけ、診断過程の透明性を担保し、分野横断型のコミュニケーションや診断過程におけるニューラルネットワークの統合を行う機会を提供している。弊社は競争力がある便利な製品の開発とその商業化に必要な経営者、デベロッパー、医師、営業といった能力を全て組み合わせている。


Warden Machinery/Machine Vision LLC

Warden Machineryはリトアニアにも事務所を設立しているロシア発のスタートアップで、マシンビジョンベースのソリューションのシリアルR&Dやインテグレーションに特化しており、品質管理、選別やセグメンテーション、手動サービス労働管理と拡張、コンプライアンス管理、安全性・セキュリティモニタリング、ロボティクス、オートメーションなどの産業用途を手掛けている。簡潔に述べると、弊社は可能なところで製造やサービスの手順を最適化し、必要不可欠なところではコンプライアンス管理やサポートを補強し、クライアントが少ない資源でより多くのことを、すなわち消費するエネルギー・材料・労働時間を減らしつつより多くの成果を得られるようにサポートする。
また、Hager GroupやSchneider Electricなどの大手企業が主催するスタートアップのコンテストにより国際的な認知度も上げてきた。バックエンドの技術に集中していることから、SAP CIS&SE、Schneider Electric、Pricewaterhouse Coopersなどの戦略的な産業パートナーへ営業やマーケティングをアウトソースすることでスケールアップを目指す。
