
Meracle Pte Ltd

Meracle brings relief and assurance to patients with respiratory and chronic ailments by optimizing the delivery of therapy in a safe, reliable and efficient manner, with the ultimate goal of setting the industry’s benchmarks and standards. Meracle’s first product, the Whizz, improves the management of respiratory conditions by increasing the efficiency of medication delivered into the lungs while tracking intake data to augment the assessment of treatment outcomes. Through trials we have shown that the Whizz improves technique and compliance by 100%, leading to better asthma control and reduced symptoms. The system consist of a hardware that helps deliver medication effectively to patients, paired to a mobile application that has multiple features to track and encourage compliance through gamification as well as manage treatment regimen. The data collected benefits multiple stakeholders, by first improving the quality of life of patients and helping them gain a sense of control over their situation. Doctors have access to objective data that makes it easier to target accurate prescription medication and governments are able to improve public health and reduce the burden on an overwhelmed healthcare system.


Nplasty Pte Ltd

nplasty Pte Ltd (“nplasty”) is an X Reality (“AR/VR/MR”) company that leverages immersive VR technology for orthopaedic surgical training through visual simulation. nplasty’s pioneer product is an orthopaedic surgical training solution for the healthcare community that utilises haptic feedback to provide a more realistic and immersive experience. It provides solutions for various use cases – knee and hip procedures currently with further orthopaedic subspecialties (spine, trauma, upper limb, lower limb, etc.) planned for the future.


Opsis Pte Ltd

Opsis is spin-off from A*STAR based on 5 years of R&D in MedTech research. The technology has use-cases in:
• Tele-Health, where video care providers get real time emotional feedback on the state of the people in needs. Discover and interventions with any video platform or devices.
• Tele-Education with insights metrics on teaching content receptiveness and help educators to identify online learners: Confuse, Stress or Bored.
• Tele-HR for online recruitment or training with deepen behavioral analysis data for interpretation based on psychometric evaluation.
Awards and Accolades
• 1st place in the OMG Emotion Behaviour Challenge 2018
• 2nd place in EmotiW2016 competition (ICMI)
• 3rd place in EmotiW2015 competition (ICMI)
• 2nd place in Grand Challenge Competition (ACM Multimedia 2012)
The key differentiating from those in the market are:
• Only 1 in the world using psychology circumplex model resulting in more precise emotion measurements with 2 Dimension data points.
• Real-time processing and analysis for individual and large crowd group emotional state. Most competitors allow for only single analysis.
• Technology accounts for ethnicity differences with high accuracy of 93% vs 70% available in the market.
• Thousands of mood detection with interactive responds vs 7 basis labelling
• Deployment platform includes: APP, SDK, Raspberry Pi, Cloud Service


Roceso Technologies Private Limited

Roceso Technologies is a world pioneer in soft robotic exoskeleton technologies. Its soft robotic solutions provide functional assistance to patients with limb motor function impairments during rehabilitation and daily living. The company’s flagship product, the EsoGLOVE, is one of the world lightest hand rehabilitation and exoskeleton devices offering top functionality and comfort. Since 2020, Roceso Technologies have expanded to three business units: Rehabilitation and Assistive Technologies, Venous Care and Contracture Management, Compression and Support.


Acumen Research Labs





Advent Access Pte Ltd

Advent Accessは医療テクノロジースタートアップであり、末期腎臓病の管理に注目している。スタンフォードStartXカンパニーでA*STARのスピンオフでもあるAdventのミッションは透析コストを大幅に削減し腎臓不全を患う患者の生活の質を回復させるためのイノベーションを開拓することである。弊社の初の製品はav-Guardian™と呼ばれ、バスキュラーアクセスの信頼性を改善させ、痛みを抑えた自己カニューレ挿入を実現し、長期的にはバスキュラーアクセスに関連する入院を抑えることを目指したインプラント技術である。av-Guardian™は患者が安全かつ安価に血液透析を自宅や新しいケア環境で自ら実施することを実現するAdvent Accessの透析器独立型プラットフォームの重要な構成要素である。
Advent Accessに関する詳しい情報は よりご確認いただける。


BioCheetah Pte Ltd

 BioCheetah Pte Ltd (Co. Reg. No. 201803287H) はシンガポールを拠点としたA*STAR-IMCBのスピンオフである診断会社である。BioCheetahは主に非侵襲的で蛋白質ベースの診断アプリケーションの開発と商業化を行うために設立された。開発段階にある最初の診断アプリケーションはBioCheetahの科学創業者(Jean-Paul Thiery教授)と共同創業者兼最高経営責任者(Kian-Chung Lee博士)がIMCBで発見し開発した専用の膀胱がんバイオマーカーと検出抗体に基づいている。膀胱がんバイオマーカーと検出抗体の知的財産権は両方ともA*STARからライセンスを取得している。今後開発予定の製品には業務用in-vitro診断ELISAやポイントオブケア検査(POCT)キットなどが挙げられる。これらのキットは膀胱がんの診断と監視に向けて高感度かつ高特異性を有する尿ベースの新規マルチプレックスバイオマーカーパネルを採用している。BioCheetahが狙う市場は国内および海外の公共および民間医療プロバイダーである。BioCheetahは現在シンガポールJTC LaunchPadにあるBlock 79にISO 13485生産施設を建設中であり、診断製品の開発と生産に向けて品質管理システム(QMS)を設置しているとともに、SingHealthや海外の病院と開発予定の膀胱がん診断製品の臨床的な検証について議論を進めている。


Ministry of Movement Pte Ltd (aka SWAT)

