Kisui TECH Co. Ltd.

Primary industries like agriculture and construction are currently facing huge challenges due to labor shortages and tough manual labor requirements. Given these socio-economic conditions, many people move to cities for better job opportunities, destroying rural communities.

Kisui developes an autonomous AI off-road platform, Adam, to support these jobs, work alongside people, but amplifying their work while removing physical burdens. A single machine is modular and can equip various work unit attachments to do various jobs like transportation, grass cutting, pesticide spray, data collection and more. This makes it versatile to do many jobs for different customer segments.

Agriculture is our first market segment, and we have found PMF and early champion customers in all key fruit varieties and regions around Japan, as well as strong early interest in Spain, Indonesia and America.

Our team is incredibly diverse with 30 members from 15 different nationalities, a feat we can tap into for global expansion. We combine various industries, including space robotics, automotive, AI and agriculture to build the world leading off-road autonomy solution. We have received numerous awards including MIT Innovators Under 35 Japan, Forbes 30 under 30 Asia, and have been featured by the Prime Ministers Office in Japan.

Business summary

CEO / Founder

Nominated by

Chiba University
This company is one of the startups related with Chiba University. They have developed and sell special mobilities for agriculture. ADAM that is their main machine is able to help farmers and has high useability is very comfortable. It’s imperative that our agricultural method ought to merge the new technology like DX and AI. It is important for not only our Japanese but all over the world. CEO of this company Dr. Tamir is Ph.D. of technology and have a background as engineer at space X company which is very famous global space company. He realized that issues of agriculture field and decided to solute this problem though his major of technology. Dr. Tamir can beyond his expertise and connect to several deferent field. The Kisuitech would change the work style of famer and contribute to sustainability of our food culture and environment. Therefore, I want to nominate with Kisuitech and Tamir CEO.