【AEA 2017 Alumni】 is a marketplace and agrifintech at the sametime that intends to integrate the up-stream to the down-stream value chain of agro-based economy, in such away to achieve a certain level of efficiency that is a pre-condition to improve the life being of farmers, ranchers, smallholders etc in villages and remote areas. In this effort, through the implementation of digital technology simplifies and shortens the distribution chain by bringing producer to get closer to end user. Being the most critical aspect in the Country agribiz, includes also financing schemes for agribiz.

Bachelor Degree in Economic

Nominated by

Coordinating Ministry for Economic Affairs (CMEA)
The Start-ups’ intention to support the life being of farmers, ranchers, smallholders and villagers in remote and lagging regions falls in the same direction with National Programs to improve life being, economic resiliency, and food security. The marketplace and all related services it provides, will serve as key enabler for the macro design to take effect in local area.